During my 12 years as a Clark Councilman, I have been proud to serve our community. Clark is the envy of Union County with all the services we offer to our citizens. The Township of Clark remains a soughtafter destination to raise a family with a small town feel and closeknit community. Our recreation department offers hundreds of programs, classes and events for our children, adults, and senior citizens! Clark hosts an annual Easter Egg Hunt, Memorial Day Parade, Townwide Street Fair, July 4th Fireworks, September 11 Remembrance Ceremony, Senior Citizen Barbecue, Trunk or Treat, Veterans Day Ceremony, Breakfast with Santa, Christmas Tree and Menorah Lighting, to name a few. Our DPW picks up grass, branches, leaves, bulky items, and Christmas Trees. They even offer free firewood and mulch all while keeping the town clean and maintaining the township parks and properties. My goal is to continue offering all these services while keeping Clark affordable, clean and safe! I am asking you for your support and vote on November 5th to “Keep Clark Great”!
Letters to the Editor
October 10, 2024
Clark is the Envy of Union County