WESTFIELD — The Westfield Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) will present “Suffrage: The Fight for Women’s Rights” on Saturday, June 22, at 2 p.m.
Offered free of charge to the public, this program on the history of women’s right to vote will take place at the Westfield Memorial Library, located at 550 East Broad Street.
Guest speaker Trish Chambers will guide program attendees through the history of women’s rights. An awardwinning published author and historian speaker, Ms. Chambers has been providing insights into American history since 1998 throughout the tristate area. She presents programs on many subjects.
Both the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will provide a display featuring artifacts of interest from the Revolution at the library concurrently during the month of June in celebration of the nation’s upcoming 250th anniversary.