LIGHTS IN THE COMMUNITY...The Westfield United Fund raised $20,000 through its Westfield United by Light (WUBL) campaign this year, which will benefit multiple social-service agencies that provide mental-health programs and services. Pictured holding a symbolic check representing the donation, from left to right, are: Lindsay Schambach, executive director of Imagine; Carol Pedro, executive director of Youth and Family Counseling Service; Beth Saad, executive director of the Westfield United Fund; Emily Howell, Westfield United Fund trustee and co-chair of WUBL; Tom Beck, executive director of Jewish Family Service of Central New Jersey; and Mary Claire Givelber, executive director of Caring Contact.
December 28, 2023
WUF Achieves Goal With United By Light Fundraiser
WESTFIELD — The Westfield United Fund (WUF) has announced that it achieved its fund-raising goal for Westfield United by Light. The luminary event raised $20,000 to support local social-service agencies providing mental-health programs and services to residents of Westfield and surrounding communities.