Christmas Tree Pick-Up Fundraiser, Westfield High School Band and Choir will once again be holding its popular Christmas tree pick-up fundraiser. Proceeds will go directly towards supporting meaningful musical experiences for band and choir students at Westfield High School. The pickup is scheduled for Sunday, January 7, 2024. High school music students will collect trees curbside and deliver them to the conservation center to be recycled. This service is available to Westfield residents at $20 per tree. Additional donations are greatly appreciated For more information and how to register visit The deadline to register is Friday, December 29.
Uncovering our Local History: A Three-Part Immersive Series Examining Racism and Antisemitism in Scotch Plains and Fanwood, Brunch and Learn: The Spread of Nazi Propaganda from the Flanders Printing Press in Scotch Plains. Sunday, January 28, 11 a.m. Shady Rest, 820 Jerusalem Road, Scotch Plains. $20. Register at gMQ45.
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