PIECE OF THE PIE...Burim Regjag, owner of Outta Hand Pizza, has been working to improve life for students, veterans and local residents alike since opening his shop in 2018. Katie Moen for The Westfield Leader
Slice Of Life: Burim Regjaj Opens Up
WESTFIELD — On a quiet afternoon in 2018, a man dressed in painter’s clothes pushed through the doors of the Outta Hand Pizza shop on Westfield’s South Avenue. He walked to the counter, debating. “How much for a pepperoni?” he asked, counting out his change. The owner, Burim Regjaj, considered, “Is that all you have?” The man nodded. “On the house,” Mr. Regjaj said. The shop was empty. The two men sat down together, chatting over a slice. It was a simple, easy moment.And it changed everything.